When you think about it, life is not too complicated. It might just be that we humans have made it unnecessarily so.
If we lived by certain simple rules then many of our troubles would cease to exist. Or they would, at least, diminish in size.
These rules may be simple and straightforward but not easy at the best of times. However, they set boundaries for ourselves and our lives that, perhaps otherwise, people would seek to overstep them. More importantly, these simple rules work!
Say What You Mean
Speak the truth. Speak your truth. You will sleep better at night. You will have more respect for yourself. Sure, sometimes brutal honesty is uncalled for but you get the idea. Speak the truth. Tell it like it is. Always say what you mean but don’t say it meanly.
Be Courteous
Politeness and good manners will endear you to many. No one wants to be around a boorish Neanderthal who has appalling manners and who thinks only of himself. So make your Mama proud and practise common courtesy.
Less is More
Live with less. No, really. Think about it. After a roof over your head, wholesome food, your friends and family there is not much else you need. All the stuff we buy that clutters our homes and drain our energy are a waste. Of our resources and our mental clarity. Not to mention their impact on the environment.
If you have nothing else to give then share your smile and brighten someone’s day. I promise you your own day will start looking up. If you feel there is nothing to smile about (there always is) then stretch your mouth until you get there. Your mood will improve and you will feel better.
About Food
Eat lots of green leafy stuff and less of the other foods. Human beings need just enough for their brains to function and their bodies to prosper. Food, no matter how good looking or sweet tasting, is still poison in excess. Some is just poison. So practise mindful eating and learn to distinguish physical hunger from eating out of boredom.
Move More
We were not meant to be sitting down hunched over our desks and or our devices. Straighten your spine and move! Walk outdoors, swim in the ocean, ride a bike, jump for joy! Your energy will sky rocket and you will age more gracefully.
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