A Mombasa Mommy

Author name: najma

I am a mother of three, born and bred in Mombasa, Kenya. I am passionate about books, writing, healthy living and getting people to see the best of themselves. Especially getting people to see the best of themselves.

Inspiration, Introspective

Why Everyday Should Be Mothers’ Day.

Mothers sacrifice their wellbeing for their children’s sake. Sure, we talk of taking care of ourselves but give a mother a choice between her child’s needs and her own, hands down a mother knows what path she will take. Never mind whether her actions will be appreciated or not…..

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A Better World, Blog, Inspiration

What Do You See When You See Me?

But he is not alone in assuming things about people like me. About Coastal Muslim women to be exact.

And neither is this incident the first time I have had to defend myself, my faith and my dress. In this very city I was born and raised in.

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