Author: najma

I am a mother of three, born and bred in Mombasa, Kenya. I am passionate about books, writing, healthy living and getting people to see the best of themselves. Especially getting people to see the best of themselves.

Scattered Thoughts.

What would it be like, I wonder?
to do over, start afresh, begin anew?
Pack up, leave
and land
where everything is different;
every stranger a potential friend,
a language so deliciously exotic
You want to speak
all the time?
where a step out of
your home
could be the start of
an exciting adventure?
of doing everything again for the
Very first time?
What would it be like , I wonder?
to frolick and run singing through
The meadows
free from
fear for your safety
From the need to apologise
For your faith?
I wonder what it would be like
to retrace the steps
of your childhood
When the colours were sharper,
The smells sweeter,
and the stars brighter?
to live with wide eyed wonderment
and curiosity;
to have spring in your step and
joyful anticipation
Of wonderful things yet to be?
Wouldn’t it be
The perfect crime
to drop everything you are
to leave everything
For the paradise
You know you can have?
what would it be like, I wonder…………?
Photo Courtesy of the inimitable hash.2016.
Go check him out on Instagram.
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Blessings From The Sky

Rainy Days oh how I miss thee
Little puddles, wet soil, dripping trees
Raincoats, brollies, hot cups of tea
Board games, word games with me and he

Rainy Days what hope you bring with thee
Of greener grass, cooler days spent with family
Around the ashaa mat, tales of courage and bravery

Rainy Days how we look forward to thee
When indoors becomes a clothesline
To dry our towels and our tees
Cooler climes- little kids with gololees
Playing in the mud, cute in their coloured wellies.

Rainy Days what cleansing you bring with thee
From the heat, the tempers, the drudgery
The smell of the earth, the droplets on the tree

Rainy Days what I love most about thee
Watching from my window so I may see
the waterdrops of blessings all for free
A favour, a boon from the Almighty.

Rainy Days when next will you visit
Blessings from the sky…. oh….
Rainy Days how I miss thee….



Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

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