A Mombasa Mommy

Best Foot Forward- My 8 Non-Sciencey Reasons Why Walking is the Best!

To this Mombasa Mommy, there is something almost magical about walking. It is unbeatable for getting you out of your house or office- and out of your head;-)

The weather here has been beyond hot so an ‘impromptu’ walk whenever the impulse or need arises is mostly out of the question. But with proper planning, an early morning (to start off the day on the right foot:-) or late evening stroll is just what I need. Here are my eight reasons why walking is always my go to for exercise or recreation:

1. It’s free. Yep! No monthly subscriptions or membership fees. It’s Kenya Shillings Zero. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes, a can do attitude and you are good to ….err…walk. You don’t even need to overthink the shoes although a pair of high heels is probably not a good idea.
Bonus- you save money on fare when you walk to and from home to school or work.

2. It can be a solo event or you can dial it up a notch and walk with your significant other. You can recruit your friends to walk with you as you catch up. Or you can drag your kids away from their devices for some sunshine and fresh air.

3. No equipment needed- yey! Just your two feet. Not a racket, or a club, or a ball, or a net, or a bench(well, maybe you might need one when and if you get tired and need to partake of some coconut water)

4. On a similar note you don’t have to go anywhere to walk! You can walk from anywhere and to everywhere! On the other hand, you need to get to a pool or court or field to swim or play in before you can actually swim or play!

5. It’s a wonderful way to brainstorm or just hear yourself think (if you are walking by yourself) I get a lot of my ideas for posts and articles or solutions to dilemmas  while on my walks. When I take in my  surroundings I am inspired even more by people and everyday life which brings me to:

6. A chance to take in the sights and sounds of your town or city. You can people watch as you do this or window shop. Vary your walking route. (more about walking in Mombasa in an upcoming post in sha Allah).

7. Almost anyone can do it! Because its mostly low impact walking is very ‘user friendly’ so to speak 🙂

8. And one of my absolute favorites: you don’t have to learn any fancy poses or moves. Just putting one foot in front of the other and you are walking! Ps- maintaining correct  posture is important….

So there you have it! Now, who is joining me tomorrow………? 

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  1. Pingback: Through My Eyes: A Morning Walk. - A Mombasa Mommy

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