A Mombasa Mommy

How to make the world a better place for ourselves and our children

If you watch any sort of news you will be forgiven for thinking the world has gone mad and our humanity is at an all time low.

As much as it’s true that the world is way worse than it was thirty years ago (for those of us old enough to remember) we needn’t feel helpless and defeated.

Making the world a better place doesn’t even have to involve partitions, protests or punches- although these are very necessary sometimes (and for some reason all three seem to connect together at times not that I am advocating any sort of violence)

Making the world a better could be as simple as spreading a smile.

Or taking a genuine interest in someone and asking: how are you really?

Or offering a greeting.

It could be saying something kind and sincere to another person.

Perfect strangers are people also so we have to be sure to include them as well. A nod of the head, holding the door or letting them go ahead of you at the cash register if they have only an item or two. Small gestures but they go a long way to spreading goodwill.

I wouldn’t be the Mombasa Mommy if I didn’t include something about littering and caring for the environment.

How awe inspiring it would be if we all made the effort, took the time, vowed to not litter our cities or our oceans and beaches.

Imagine the fresh air!

Imagine the greenery!

We can improve our world by respecting other people’s points of view and opinions. Not everyone has to agree with us and we certainly don’t have to think like anyone else. To each his own. Many street fights, family disputes and indeed wars have been started because people would not agree to disagree.

Respecting other people’s faiths is simple human goodness. There is nothing to be gained from mocking others and vilifying them for their beliefs.

Keeping an open mind, researching and then making up those minds is so critical in these days of fake news and filtered images. We have brains and now is as good a time as any to use them.

There is always someone in need and it usually takes little to help. We can relieve their burden. We can make a difference.

So. Are you in?

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