Things You wish Your kids Won’t Say or Do! When You Have Company
April is coming to an end and today marks the first day of school. For us parents, it’s yey! For […]
April is coming to an end and today marks the first day of school. For us parents, it’s yey! For […]
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay. Often on my journey as a parent, I have found myself exhausted, overwhelmed and second guessing
No one wants to interact with someone who has no time for others’ thoughts, opinions or feelings.
I am quite certain that, as they packed their bags, checked their phones, hugged their near and dear………I am quite certain that none of them realised that they would never get to their destinations.
Earlier this year, our youngest, Little Man, started high school – the same high school his Dad and I attended
Words are more than sounds you make with your voice or the stroke of your keyboard.
To this Mombasa Mommy, there is something almost magical about walking. It is unbeatable for getting you out of your
Recently, I have had a series of disappointments. Some were life changing while some, Allah willing, I know I am
You look life- and its challenges-squarely in the face. You attack it like cleaning! with the proper tools
Life is too short and too precious to waste on things and people who are not conducive to your health and well-being
You will miss their messiness; and you will not even mind the crayon art they made on your walls. You will miss them flooding the bathroom and saying they did not do it. You will miss breaking up their fights and playing judge and jury to their never ending sibling ‘court’ cases. You will miss shouting for the nth time for them to turn off the lights or else! And you will miss their moodiness and their one word answers.