A Mombasa Mommy

Salute to My Readers-Thank You!

As much as I can honestly say I love writing I can equally, truthfully, say I hate it.

You sit there facing a blank page which you must fill  with words that make sense. Words that are a pleasure to read  which will resonate with the person reading them.

You are supposed to produce a string of letters formed into words (and then into) sentences and then paragraphs. And then, because you are a perfectionist( most writers are by the way)- you rearrange them this way and that until they seem less like gibberish.

Your aim and your goal for fiddling with the words is the effect they will have on the reader.

It is a huge responsibility delivering quality to those who have given a piece of their day to listen to what you have to say. You don’t want to disappoint them.
Writing is a painstaking, painful and lonely exercise. I have many a time broken up with writing myself and then quickly made up with it.

Because it is just as deeply rewarding as it is draining.

When you need to make sense of something, rant about something or calm yourself down there is little that beats taking pen to paper.

Or when you need to make a difference .

It is 2021.

The year we couldn’t wait for to arrive- the year we expect to act as a salve from its much maligned brother 2020.

I have a long list of topics for this blog running into double digits. Yet I am finding it a challenge to make something coherent out of them.

What has been my aim all along with this platform is to bring a little sunshine to people’s lives in whatever small way I am blessed to make.

But, today, I will not be writing about health or beauty or the environment. Or about parenting or laughs or ‘how tos’ as important as these topics are.

I will put aside SEO statistics, grammar rules and focus key phrases.

Today, I am here just to salute you, dear reader.

To tell you that I might not know your struggles; I might not understand your motivation; I might not know your goals, I might not understand your frustrations.….. but I need you to know you have someone on your side. Cheering you on from behind the scenes, saying a prayer for you from behind these lines and sending you lots of goodwill and warm wishes. I would send you hugs but hey….. you know….. 😊

So back to writing and word crafting….. this is why I do it………….


words salute thank you on a black background
I salute you, my dear readers.
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