Your time isn’t everybody else’s time.
What they have accomplished, achieved or acquired shouldn’t be on your list if it wasn’t there to begin with.
To expect ourselves to act to the same script is doing an injustice to ourselves because our individual circumstances are unique to us.
Life isn’t a competition. God has a plan for all of us. Life isn’t a race – frequently we aren’t even in the same stadium.
Love and live your life.
Some of us will complete our schooling before we are twenty. Some of us will opt out.
Some of us will get married before we are twenty-five and some of us will stay single well into our thirties.
Some of us will buy houses, start businesses, travel, have children, go back to school, emigrate.
And some of us?
Some of us will not.
Your script isn’t mine.
And that’s the beauty of faith.
You trust Allah’s plan for you. You put your best foot forward and pray for the best.
Sometimes what’s best for you might look like nothing but challenges and detours.
It is easy to look at others and wish you had what they have. Especially when every single day is a struggle for survival.
Often when I selfishly want to complain about some thing I have no right to complain about (invariably) I meet beggars on the streets with deformities I cannot imagine living with. I immediately recognise that as a sign and I raise my hands in gratitude.
You don’t have to do anything by a certain time. Let the old aunties pushing you to get married because all your agemates are already married with kids let them know that your time is governed by Allah’s Will.
Let those who question your choices or your judgement let them know that there is a time for everything and everything in it’s own time.
It is never too late or too early to do or be anything.
Don’t compare your journey to someone’s else.
Keep going- don’t look back. That is not where you are going.
And when you feel despair remind yourself that your time will come.
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.