Author: najma

I am a mother of three, born and bred in Mombasa, Kenya. I am passionate about books, writing, healthy living and getting people to see the best of themselves. Especially getting people to see the best of themselves.

Don’t Sweat It!

The tuktuk drivers were talking about it as was the salesgirl in the shop I went into. The mum exclaimed over it as her tired child lagged behind. The neighbours spoke over their balconies shaking their heads as they hung towels out to dry.

This is the Coast, people!

The talk around town is just about how hot it has gotten over the past week.

The sun is almost white in its heat and tempers are almost as high as the temperature.

We could moan some more but that would not reduce a single degree in the Celsius scale.

On the contrary, with our wilted state it would serve to only increase our thirst.

So where does that leave us Mombasa residents?

We are a resilient lot we are and proactive too- there is plenty we can do to keep cool when all we want is to retire under an awning and fan ourselves:

First of all, we could adopt a positive attitude towards the heat. Tell ourselves all weather is a blessing from Allah. Better the heat than a frigid winter or a tsunami, eh? I bet we would not trade places with the Indonesians right now, would we?

Secondly – Hydrate! We have madafu (Coconut) Delicious, refreshing and good for you! Take advantage of the gorgeous watermelons in season right now and enjoy the oranges! Or have a fruit salad. All inexpensive and readily available- there is a fruit salad and juice stand on almost every Mombasa street corner after all!

Use an umbrella- yes, these are not just for rain! Which two weeks ago we were wishing would go away- there is no pleasing us humans 🙂 Protect your head in whatever way you can- you don’t want to get heat stroke.

Lastly, keep your cool! Don’t sweat it (no pun intended here 🙂

Hold your temper, choose your battles, conserve your energy and count your blessings!

And as soon as you can, pick up your beach towel and go enjoy the Indian Ocean!

Photo of the Indian Ocean courtesy of Hashim. (@hash.2016) Instagram photos
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Sometimes we are afraid to start on a dream or a goal because the road ahead seems so daunting and the task ahead so monumental.

Write a book? (Where do I even begin?)

Lose 10 kilograms of weight? (It will be months before I reach my target!)

Start my own business? (What do I even know about entrepreneurship?)

Enrol for adult education? (At this age?)

We second guess ourselves.” Maybe I don’t really want this” because we are afraid. And before we know it we give up before we have even begun.

I am here to tell you that it does not have to be that way.

I was crossing over to the mainland from Mombasa the other day and as we headed west the billboard opposite caught my attention.


I was so taken up by it  that I just had to share it.

Starting small.

No one climbs a tree from the top- unless a helicopter drops you there:-)

No baby walks before he can crawl.

The journey might be long but it is oh so worth it.

Waiting until everything is perfect or until you are ready will have you wasting your potential and your time.

No one ever feels ready because there will always be issues that require your attention and your time.

Then there is this other thing- we are afraid to be seen starting small. We look at those who are so far ahead of us who are where we want to be and we feel demoralised. But here is the thing. If we do not start now- today- we will find that they will be even much further ahead.

Besides, this is not about them. It is about you.

Remember the quote that says ‘this time next year you will wish you had started today’ Do you want to be sitting in the beginning of October 2019 not a step further towards your goal or dream than you were twelve months previously?

There is nothing wrong with starting small. At least it’s a start.

So go ahead. Have faith in yourself and take that all important first step!

Losing weight? Start by drinking more water to replace that soda.

That business idea? Raise your chin and pitch it to someone!

The book? Begin with the first sentence or the first word even.

Signing up for the class? …….uhh…That’s why it’s called adult education. Do it!


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What is your gift?

We all have something to add to this world. Something uniquely us, something only we can do.

You have value to give; a legacy to leave behind that others can learn from and gain from.

Even if you believe yourself to be without talents or gifts or call it what you will, you still have something to contribute.

That something will drive you and give you purpose.

No one is born a copy. We are all originals.

Find your calling and share your gift.

You have it. Now you just have to recognize it.

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