Scattered Thoughts.
What would it be like, I wonder? to do over, start afresh, begin anew? Pack up, leave and land where […]
What would it be like, I wonder? to do over, start afresh, begin anew? Pack up, leave and land where […]
I get to choose. We all get to choose. Even in times of dire circumstances we get to choose.
Having a cat in a house full of pigeons wasn’t going to be a very smart idea and I doubt Junior would have looked kindly on his little ones being on the lunch menu.
I saw a man in the street Bird nest hair, half clothed Dirty, bare of feet. Knelt upon a puddle
Growing up in the late 80s it wasn’t unusual to have four out of seven nights when we had to make do with candles and kerosene ‘kandili’.
I find as women we are the most judgemental to our own.
We smile haughtily, shake our heads and tut tut at our sisters for not being ‘up to standard’.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go see her To myself I say Tomorrow I will start that task I have another
Making the world a better place doesn’t even have to involve partitions, protests or punches
These days I deliberately seek out and choose to see shop signs, car bumper stickers or even Tshirts with positive messages. I choose to see gestures of kindness from strangers, even brave plants struggling to grow on cracks in the concrete.
With all that Pinstagram and FaceApp and TwitTube and Fake News feeds us on a daily basis it is enough to want to make you run into a corner and collapse into a foetal position.
Mothers sacrifice their wellbeing for their children’s sake. Sure, we talk of taking care of ourselves but give a mother a choice between her child’s needs and her own, hands down a mother knows what path she will take. Never mind whether her actions will be appreciated or not…..
There are certain wisdom that remain true for everyone at everytime no matter your age- whether we are baby boomers, generation X (like myself ) or millenials.
Whether we are male or female, whatever our faith, whatever our current situation, whatever our station in life this advice I gave to my reluctant audience still applies: