The tuktuk drivers were talking about it as was the salesgirl in the shop I went into. The mum exclaimed over it as her tired child lagged behind. The neighbours spoke over their balconies shaking their heads as they hung towels out to dry.
This is the Coast, people!
The talk around town is just about how hot it has gotten over the past week.
The sun is almost white in its heat and tempers are almost as high as the temperature.
We could moan some more but that would not reduce a single degree in the Celsius scale.
On the contrary, with our wilted state it would serve to only increase our thirst.
So where does that leave us Mombasa residents?
We are a resilient lot we are and proactive too- there is plenty we can do to keep cool when all we want is to retire under an awning and fan ourselves:
First of all, we could adopt a positive attitude towards the heat. Tell ourselves all weather is a blessing from Allah. Better the heat than a frigid winter or a tsunami, eh? I bet we would not trade places with the Indonesians right now, would we?
Secondly – Hydrate! We have madafu (Coconut) Delicious, refreshing and good for you! Take advantage of the gorgeous watermelons in season right now and enjoy the oranges! Or have a fruit salad. All inexpensive and readily available- there is a fruit salad and juice stand on almost every Mombasa street corner after all!
Use an umbrella- yes, these are not just for rain! Which two weeks ago we were wishing would go away- there is no pleasing us humans 🙂 Protect your head in whatever way you can- you don’t want to get heat stroke.
Lastly, keep your cool! Don’t sweat it (no pun intended here 🙂
Hold your temper, choose your battles, conserve your energy and count your blessings!
And as soon as you can, pick up your beach towel and go enjoy the Indian Ocean!

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