A Mombasa Mommy

LED light saying Habits to be Made
Habits, Inspiration

Why New Habits Fail; Resolving To Do Better

We are going to leave behind the  whining, unmotivated, exercise hating, junk food loving, chronically late to everything individuals that we were.

All goes well until human nature and boredom sets in. Two weeks in and there we are chomping on sunflower seeds in front of the TV while we ignore our alarm. The alarm we set to remind us to get up and go study or jog or go to bed or to just go do something-anything else- more productive.

Humour, Life and Laughs

Before The .com

We lived in simpler times when our mothers would go off to complete whatever they needed to get done leaving us still playing outside. Safe in the knowledge that  kindhearted caring neighbors would call us in when it was late, feed us and keep us until they got home . Who would, on other days, leave their own kids in our mothers’ care.


What Littering Says About Us.

what if we adopted a personal code of conduct; held ourselves to a higher standard; that we will pick after ourselves in our public spaces; would that not raise our collective self esteem?


The Price of Change

  I hate change. It’s rude, intrusive, and inconvenient. It kicks me out of my comfort zone where I would


Time Out

Sometimes it’s ok to crawl and hide somewhere when life gets overwhelming. When your arms feel tired of carrying all


Our Planet, Our Responsibility.

You might be thinking how can I, one person amongst billions, possibly do anything to make a difference either way? That is where you would be wrong. Every little thing that we do either hurts or contributes to saving this little earth we call home.


10 Things I would Tell My Twenty Year Old Self

When you are young, or younger depending on your perspective, you feel a sense of invincibility. You believe you can and should conquer the world, enrich it with your gifts, and be as Gandhi put it “the change you want to see.”

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