Want a Simple Life in 2024? Here’s How.
Why live a complicated life when a simpler one is available to all of us?
Remember simpler does not equal boring
Why live a complicated life when a simpler one is available to all of us?
Remember simpler does not equal boring
We all know of that one person who will complain all the way about how much he hates his job, his racist boss, the commute, his deadbeat co-workers and yet will stay there for fifteen plus years. It never occurs to him, perhaps, that there is always a choice. For as long as we are alive and not in prison somewhere, then we have a choice.
Because this guilt that eats at us if we are not constantly on ‘go-go” mode can’t be healthy.
This self reproach because all we did today was tidy up and read a book cannot be conducive to a healthy mind.
These last few days of December, as you are looking forward to some R and R, preparing to go back to work, to send your children back to school, to embark on your goals, working on starting a new business- whatever is on your planner your calendar your mind, spare a moment for the city.
if you still have a living grandparent appreciate her or him. Spend as much time as you can with because one day, just like Hababa, they will be gone. And you will be left listening for their footfalls, and leaving their seat open. May Allah bless all our parents and grandparents.
You may be thinking that we can’t sum up and navigate through all of life’s adventures, challenges and demands by simply following certain rules.
Who says we can’t?
Because we also cannot keep a clear logical head capable of meeting issues head on without them
There is nothing noble or honourable in proclaiming ‘busyness’ or being ‘too important to wait’ (hence the idiots who cut through queues and shout about supposed ‘slow service’) and overtake on the roads causing accidents as a result.
If we lived by certain simple rules then many of our troubles would cease to exist. Or they would, at least, diminish in size.
We are going to leave behind the whining, unmotivated, exercise hating, junk food loving, chronically late to everything individuals that we were.
All goes well until human nature and boredom sets in. Two weeks in and there we are chomping on sunflower seeds in front of the TV while we ignore our alarm. The alarm we set to remind us to get up and go study or jog or go to bed or to just go do something-anything else- more productive.