Forgiveness: A Gift We Give Ourselves
Forgiveness does not alter the facts and neither is it meant to. They still did you wrong and you are still traumatised about it. But imagine refusing to see yourself as a victim any more.
Forgiveness does not alter the facts and neither is it meant to. They still did you wrong and you are still traumatised about it. But imagine refusing to see yourself as a victim any more.
As this year comes to a close, I urge you to look back and applaud yourself. I am sure there is a lot that you didn’t think you could survive through and yet you did. You lived to tell about it.
If we lived by certain simple rules then many of our troubles would cease to exist. Or they would, at least, diminish in size.
(photo courtesy of salwa.swaleh.ashur on instagram) Everyone can feel gratitude when all is well. But how many
We are going to leave behind the whining, unmotivated, exercise hating, junk food loving, chronically late to everything individuals that we were.
All goes well until human nature and boredom sets in. Two weeks in and there we are chomping on sunflower seeds in front of the TV while we ignore our alarm. The alarm we set to remind us to get up and go study or jog or go to bed or to just go do something-anything else- more productive.
You see, the hardest part of anyone’s life is putting yourself out there. After pouring your heart and soul, your blood, sweat and tears into your work you expect everyone- however unrealistic that is- to like it even praise you for it.